Program: M.Ed EESD
Course Code: EESD 522
Nature of the Course: Theory and Practical
Credit Hours: 3 Credit Hours
Instructor: Professor Amulya Ratna Tuladhar
Date: Fall Semester 2010
Course Description and Objectives
has been designed for students of the Masters of Education Program in Environmental Education and Sustainable Development of Kathmandu University. The objectives of this course are listed in the KUSOED EESD Program brochure as follows:
“Course description
This is an introductory course designed for Master student in order to orient about the environmental/conservation issues in relation to protected areas. This course presents some basic concept of conservation, rationale behind having protected areas, protected areas in Nepal, IUCN categories of protected areas, governance systems, strength and weakness of PAs and its implication on human well being. The course also includes some emerging issues related to environment and protected areas and provides some knowledge on protected area management.”
The main purpose of the course is to enhance the knowledge base of scholars in the area of conservation and protected areas issues in their professional and academic career.
The specific objectives are to provide up to date information on:
- Existing protected areas: (national park/wildlife reserves);
- Protected areas and people; and
- Need and strategy for effective protected area management.”
Course Contents:
I. Conceptual Foundations of Conservation Biology 6 hours = 2 days
II. Threats to Biodiversity 3 hours = 1 day
III. Conservation History of Nepal 3 hours = 1 day
IV. Approaches to Solving Conservation Problems 9 hours = 3 days
V. Protected Area Conservation in Depth 6 hours = 2 days
VI. Park People Interaction, Problems & Solutions 6 hours = 2 days
VII. Sustainable Development & Conservation 3 hours = 1 day
VIII. Emerging Issues in Conservation of PAs 6 hours = 2 days
IX. Guest Lectures in PA Conserv, PES, Ecotourism/CC 9 hours = 3 days
X. Practice for Written Final Exams 3 hours = 1 day
Teaching Resources
All of the following materials MUST BE STUDIED as part of the course requirements:
1. MAIN TEXT BOOK: Groom, Martha J. et al. 2006. Principles of Conservation Biology. Third Edition. Sinuer Associates. USA. 779 pg
Wilson, E.O. 1988. Biodiversity. National Academy Press. NY. 520 pg.
Bhuju, Ukesh, et al. 2007. Biodiversity Resource Book. Nepal
Ministry of Forests. 2009. 4th Report on CBD.
Lovelock, James E. 1988. Chapter 56. The Earth as Living Organism. P. 486-492. In Wilson, E.O. 1988. Biodiversity. National Academy Press. NY. 520 pg.
Pearce, David et al. 1998. Chapter 16. The Economics of Biological Diversity conservation. P. 384-409. In Fiedler, Peggy L. et al. 1998.Conservation Biology. Second Edition. Chapman Hall. NY. 533pg.
Olival, Kevin J. et al. 2005. Monitoring the Long Distance Movement of Wildlife in Asia using Satellite Telemetry. P. 319-339. McNeely, J. A. et al. 2006. Conservation Biology in Asia. Resources Himalaya Foundation, Nepal. 455pg
Cooperrider, Allen Y. et al. 1999. The Bioreserve Strategy for Conserving Biodiversity. P. 35-52. In Haufler, Jonathan B. 1999. Strategies for Conserving Terrestrial Biological Diversity. Chapter 2. P. 17-35. In Baydack, Richard. K. et al. 1999. Practical approaches to the conservation of biological diversity. Island Press. Washington, D.C. 313 pg.
Haufler, Jonathan B. 1999. Strategies for Conserving Terrestrial Biological Diversity. Chapter 2. P. 17-35. In Baydack, Richard. K. et al. 1999. Practical approaches to the conservation of biological diversity. Island Press. Washington, D.C. 313 pg.
Trauger, David. 1999. Can we manage for Biological diversity in the absence of Scientific Uncertainty? Chapter 12. p. 195-201. In Baydack, Richard. K. et al. 1999. Practical approaches to the conservation of biological diversity. Island Press. Washington, D.C. 313 pg.
Ppt files: Pdf files: Doc files: Mhtml files: Jpg files
1. SITE VISIT TEAM ASSIGNMENT: The class shall visit a PA site assigned by the Instructor and conduct a RRA to study Park People Interaction: problems, constraints, opportunities to resolve conflicts in the Buffer Zone Regulations legal and policy regime. To do this, the teams should read up on the selected site, related literature, design their own questionnaire set, interview people, take pictures and note site ecology and draw up a report for submission and present slides in 15 min 10 slides max.
2. INDIVIDUAL UPDATES ON EACH PA: Each student will be assigned a PA on which detailed research must be done to illustrate not only the basic characteristics but also updated data on conservation policy applied, relative success, and new suggestions based on theory learned from class. The document must be 10 page long with cover page, references, color maps and pictures, and must be accompanied by individual presentation in class, 15 min, 10 slides max.
3. COMPUTER LAB: All students are expected to be present in this lab to explore Internet Access Interactive Exploration of ICIMOD Mountain Geoportal of data base on Conservation of Protected Areas in HKH.
4. ATTENDANCE AND ACTIVE CLASS PARTICIPATION: Students are expected to be present in all classes and actively participate in all class activities. “Active Participation” means doing all the assigned readings before hand, during class, participating in discussion, interpretations, lateral learning from colleagues, vertical learning from Instructor, Guest Lecturers, Field subjects, Internet resources.
INTERNAL EVALUATION ( = 50% of Total Grades)
1. Attendance and Active Participation in Class Days = 10%
2. Guest Lectures Active Participation (Ask Questions/ Comment) = 10%
3. Computer Lab Interactive Internet Exploration of Conservation = 5%
4. Project Works: (Team Based = 15%; Individual Work = 10%) = 25%
Lesson Plan
Day Date | Topics, Theme, Academic Work | Teaching Tools Student Participation |
1. Aug 16 2010 | Conservation Context: Before and After PAs in Nepal: Dolpo, Sagarmatha, Chitwan, conservation, buffer zone. | Film Caravan on Dolpo Conservation; Sagarmatha and Chitwan Buffer Zone mgt and Ecotourism. Class Discussion of conservation before and after protected areas; Digital library of resources for course transferred from pendrive. FOLDER: EESD 522 AUG 16 MONDAY READ: GROOM, UNIT 1, PG 3-170 Students will be assigned chapters, tables, figures, data, case studies boxes to read and discuss with class and teachers for half the class periods of the day. |
2. Aug 23, 2010 | EESD 522 Course intro, grading policy, teaching innovations, Intro to Biodiversity Conservation I: Conserv Biol, Global Biod, Cons Ethics, Ecol Economics. | Teacher: PowerPoint of Lec Set 1, 2, 3 Students: Peruse Digital library materials EESD 522 AUG 16 MONDAY Wilson, Lovelock, Pearce Students will be assigned chapters, tables, figures, data, case studies boxes to read and discuss with class and teachers for half the class periods of the day. |
3. Aug 30, 2010 | Threats to Biodiversity | GROOM UNIT 2, PG 171-416 Teacher: PowerPoint = First half Students will be assigned chapters, tables, figures, data, case studies boxes to read and discuss with class and teachers for half the class periods of the day. |
4. Sept 6, 2010 | Conservation History in Nepal WCS, NCS, CBD 2002-2009; For Prot, NPWC, Park/People, BZM, TAL, Biod PES, Biod/CC | Teacher: PowerPoint = First half WCS, NCS, CBD, PES, CC, NPWC , BHUJU READS Students will be assigned chapters, tables, figures, data, case studies boxes to read and discuss with class and teachers for half the class periods of the day. |
5. Sept 13, 2010 | Approaches to Solutions for Conservation Problems 1; Landscape Approaches, Bioreserve Strategy | Groom Unit 3, Chapt 12 Landscape App. Cooperrider, Haufler, Olival Teacher: PowerPoint = First half Students will be assigned chapters, tables, figures, data, case studies boxes to read and discuss with class and teachers for half the class periods of the day. |
6. Sept 20, 2010 | Approaches to Solutions for Conservation Problems 2: Ecosystem Approaches to Uncertainty Management and Adaptation | Groom Unit 3, Chapt 13 Ecosystem App. Trauger Teacher: PowerPoint = First half Students will be assigned chapters, tables, figures, data, case studies boxes to read and discuss with class and teachers for half the class periods of the day. |
7. Sept 27, 2010 | Approaches to Solutions for Conservation Problems 3: Protected Areas Approaches, IUCN categories | Groom Unit 3, Chapt 14 Protected Area app; IUCN, BHUJU, ADB, CBD. Teacher: Powerpoint = First half Students will be assigned chapters, tables, figures, data, case studies boxes to read and discuss with class and teachers for half the class periods of the day. |
8. Oct 4, 2010 | Protected Areas, BZM Site visit | Teacher: Powerpoint = First half BHUJU, PAUDEL Class Assignment for Field site visits during Holidays |
9. Oct 25, 2010 | Protected Areas in Depth | Project Work: Individual Student presentation on Assigned PAs |
10. Nov 1, 2010 | Park/People Interaction Conflict Mgt, BZM | Project Work: Team Assignment |
11. Nov 15, 2010 | Park/People Interaction Conflict Mgt, BZM in Depth | Project Work: Team Presentations |
12. Nov 22, 2010 | Sustainable Dev Theory, Critiques, & Solutions to PA Conservation Problems | Teacher: Powerpoint = First half REDCLIFT, CBD, GROOM CHAP 16 Students will be assigned chapters, tables, figures, data, case studies boxes to read and discuss with class and teachers for half the class periods of the day. |
13. Nov 29, 2010 | Emerging Issues in PA Cons in Nepal: TAL, BZM, CC/REDD, BIOd PES, Transbound Cons | Teacher: Powerpoint = First half TAL, CC/REDD, PES, TRANSB READS. Students will be assigned chapters, tables, figures, data, case studies boxes to read and discuss with class and teachers for half the class periods of the day. |
14. Dec 6, 2010 | Emerging Issues: Hotspots, EBD, NGO/INGO, Governance in Conflict, Political Ecology | Teacher: Powerpoint = First half HOTSPOT, WWF/ICIMOD, ADB READ Students will be assigned chapters, tables, figures, data, case studies boxes to read and discuss with class and teachers for half the class periods of the day. |
15. Dec 13, 2010 | Computer Lab: Interactive Internet Exploration of Cons of PA Portal of ICIMOD for GIS, Google Earth, Maps, Database, Doc, Texts, etc Teacher: Powerpoint = First half | All students present, with their own laptops with portable internet connection if available in Computer Lab to follow through all instructions and computer/interactive internet query exercises as instructed for full Marks for Lab. |
16. Dec 20, 2010 | Guest Lecture: PA Warden (CNP or SNP) | Each Student shall ask questions or comment or discuss to earn Marks |
17. Dec 27, 2010 | Guest Lecture: ICIMOD BIOd PES Expert: Dr R Zomer | |
18. Jan 3, 2011 | Guest Lecture: NAPA: Biod Vulnerability Adaptation or Ecotourism, CC, & PAs | |
19. Jan 10, 2011 | Practice Test for Written Final Exam | All students present fully read for exam |
20. Jan 17, 2011 | FINAL WRITTEN EXAM REVIEW and Feedback from Instructor | All students present fully prepared to clarify final questions for final exam |